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Bridging great service with lightning-quick equipment leasing

Sometimes the middle man gets a bad rap, a perception that Capital Camipro INC. is trying to change.

Camipro helps Quebec businesses get new and used trucks and heavy machinery, like construction equipment. The company doesn’t sell the equipment itself; rather, it acts as the go-between, finding the best financing option for its customers.

Customers may perceive middle men as gratuitous, adding costs along the way, but Camipro is different. It saves customers their time and money during equipment acquisitions.

Bucking the industry trend

Despite recent gloomy construction industry statistics, Camipro is growing quickly. Part of that growth may be due to Quebec’s announced 10-year $88.4 billion infrastructure plan, but Camipro Financial Service Advisor Marie-Christine Bergeron instead credits growth to factors within her control.

“Customers choose Camipro because of our service,” says Marie-Christine. “We do all the paperwork, we sign the documentation and we get our customers approved fast.”

Pulling back the curtain to great service

A lot goes into that level of service that some might not realize. A huge challenge for Camipro is finding the best financing company for their customers. It needs a partner who’s dependable and can match its level of attentiveness and speed.

Rate is always a factor too, but there are some trade-offs. The Big Five financial institutions may have low rates but their turnaround times could be slow and their approval requirements strict. Other financial institutions can offer ultra-fast approvals and much more flexibility. It’s why Camipro works with CWB National Leasing.

“The terms and conditions with CWB National Leasing are great,” Marie-Christine says. “We know we can get an approval for a customer because the company is so flexible.” And her CWB National Leasing Account Manager Mathieu LeFebvre shares like-minded service values.

“Mathieu is great. He works hard to approve customers just the way we like it – fast.”

Building a future together

Camipro’s partnership with CWB National Leasing flourished. The two companies doubled their finance volume over the last year, and since their partnership began in 2013, they’ve financed millions of dollars’ worth of equipment. That’s a lot of trucks and construction equipment, and more importantly, a lot of happy Quebec business owners who have boosted their buying power by managing their cash flow.

Camipro relishes its role as the intermediary. It’s no surprise word of Camipro’s value spread across Quebec. Business floods its two offices in Laval and Sainte-Julie, so the company plans to open another in Drummondville.

Customers are sometimes forced to deal with the middle man. In Camipro’s case, customers are lucky to have one.

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