CWB National Leasing launches new mobile-first website
CWB National Leasing launches its refreshed website that features updated design and mobile optimized navigation for Canadian equipment financing customers on the go.
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By: Janet Seniuk, Public Relations Coordinator
Marc Kuly, University of Winnipeg Professor, shared this insight with 600 fundraisers and community leaders at United Way of Winnipeg’s 2015 Campaign Celebration last week. The Celebration theme was superheroes – a fitting theme for a hundreds of people who are superheroes for their community.
Drummers perform at United Way's Celebration on Jan. 27
It’s not hard to understand why CWB National Leasing employees have always been passionate United Way supporters. From giving opportunity to kids living in poverty, to helping refugees settle in Winnipeg after long journeys full of hardship, United Way makes Winnipeg a stronger place for us all to call home.
“Every year, we give CWB National Leasing employees the chance to tour some of the many United Way agencies,” says Tom Pundyk, CWB National Leasing President & CEO and 2015 United Way Campaign Cabinet member. “When we see the amazing work these organizations are doing on the frontline, with people who need it most, we really see how important our United Way fundraising efforts are for our city.”
CWB National Leasing employees tour Art City in West Broadway, a United Way-funded agency
CWB National Leasing holds a week-long United Way campaign every year, with the goal to help these deserving agencies do what they do best and motivate employees to give back to the city where they live, work, and play. A committee of CWB National Leasing employees organizes fundraising events each day of the campaign, ranging from bingo to a live auction.
CWB National Leasing’s 2015 campaign was another astounding success. Employees fundraised and donated more than ever before, and the company matched their efforts, making CWB National Leasing’s total gift to United Way over $300,000!
CWB National Leasing's 2015 United Way Campaign Chairs, Brent Cantafio and Peter Boileau, kick off the 2015 campaign
“Our team’s dedication is inspiring,” says Brent Cantafio, Broker Manager and CWB National Leasing’s 2015 Campaign Chair. “They put so much into this campaign year after year, and seeing the results of their efforts really reinforces why we continue to make United Way a top priority.”
Tom echoes this sentiment.
“We all win when our community is stronger and safer, and everyone within our community—individual, family, or business—should be a driving force for positive change.”
A look back at CWB National Leasing’s incredible 2015 United Way Campaign:
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