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The 10 best entrepreneur articles to boost your business in 2016

Matthew Bedard

By: , Digital Marketing Specialist

While most of us welcome the New Year with a resolution, the level of engagement that resolution offers can run the spectrum from swapping white bread for whole grain to making your idea a reality and starting a business.

Regardless of your goal, hearty advice from people who’ve been there makes it easier.

That’s why we’ve found 10 articles ranging across a variety of industries that will help you build your business into what you dreamed it would be. Grab your grainy toast, and enjoy some great reads.

The 10 best entrepreneur articles to boost your business in 2016

7 signs you’re meant to be an entrepreneur

If you’ve always felt like you’re meant to start a business, maybe you are! See the seven qualities entrepreneurs should have, or should develop, to get the most out of their business.

How to hire the right employee

When it comes to building your business, employees are your cornerstone to success. If you’re looking to hire, our complete three-post guide to hiring the right employee is a must-read.

Part 1: how to recruit
Part 2: how to interview
Part 3: how to select

What every entrepreneur should know

From Daymond John – the Shark Tank investor and CEO of FUBU and Shark Marketing – here’s some general advice on how to successfully create and maintain your own successful business.

15 smart marketers share insights on the future of the industry

This post was originally written for 2014 but is still amazingly relevant. Investing in mobile is only becoming more important, with over 50 per cent of users accessing the Internet through their phones. And that number will only grow going forward.

Increase online sales

A projected $1,922 billion worth of goods worldwide will be sold online in 2016. Making sure you get the most from the online market is more important than ever.

Boost your reach with social media

Social Media can be a full-time job. When you don’t have the hours in your day, understanding how to use it in its simplest form is a gift. This article will help you in your quest for social media mastery.

Building content with blogging

Content marketing can be an effective tool, and is essentially free advertising when used properly. Blogs are a big part of that. But having a blog isn’t enough if you’re not using it effectively. Learn how.

Gain new clients and increase sales

Broaden your sales horizon this New Year and it’ll surely pay off. Increase sales and reach more customers with targeted research to understand exactly who you’re talking to.

14 creative financing methods for startups

Often, securing a bank loan for a new business isn’t easy. Thankfully there are other traditional and even quirky means of financing to explore.

5 benefits of equipment leasing for your small susiness

Speaking of alternative financing, leasing can help alleviate the pressure of tight budgets. Learn how to maximize your cash flow and get the equipment you need with this handy article for any small business.

10 great business professionals to follow on Twitter

We want the business advice to keep coming all year round, so we’ve compiled a list of 10 great business professionals to follow on Twitter.

Lou Adler

Refers to himself as “the original headhunter” and is full of tips on how to hire, and get hired.

John Hall

This trendy tweeter will keep you up to date on all the newest business trends.

Laurie Ruettimann

This human resources expert has good advice on how to keep workers happy and productive.

Peter Ostrow

Peter provides valuable content about improving sales effectiveness, and great tips on selling B2B.

David Meerman Scott

David’s posts are educational and thought provoking with a focus on sales and marketing.

Keith R Wyche

Keith provides honest insight into the realities of being a business executive, being a strong leader, and staying humble.

Ted Coiné

Ted provides great insight into engaging employees, customers, and suppliers in the highly social business world we live today.

Anita Campbell

Anita Campbell is the CEO of Small Business Trends. She embodies professionalism and is savvy with her business know-how.

Richard Branson

This high profile businessman regularly tweets and asks thought-provoking questions about business and life.

Guy Kawasaki

Well-known for his role in the Apple revolution, Guy Kawasaki tweets funny and engaging material. There is a lot to learn from his brilliant business mind.

Equipment Today

Equipment today offers construction related updates, sales advice and resources. It’s an invaluable account to follow if you’re in the construction industry.

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