CWB National Leasing launches new mobile-first website
CWB National Leasing launches its refreshed website that features updated design and mobile optimized navigation for Canadian equipment financing customers on the go.
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By: Miles Macdonell, Senior Vice President, Sales
Part of our annual festivities involves incorporating a fun new theme every year. This year’s theme was Willy Wonka and the Leasing Factory. It was a fitting theme to highlight the magic that our employees exhibited this year to achieve several significant milestones, including surpassing $1 billion in annual sales for the first time ever. The theme also allowed us to incorporate plenty of chocolate into the many events, and that’s never a bad thing!
CWB National Leasing’s 2018 Sales Conference theme
This year’s Sales Conference & Gala was the perfect mix of forward thinking, recognizing our sales team members for their hard work, having fun at an awesome team-building event and celebrating our collective success with all employees and their spouses at our Gala.
The first full day of our Sales Conference kicked off with some exciting presentations on how we’re looking ahead and using innovative thought processes to develop the technology products our customers and partners need to drive success. In the past three years, we’ve won ELFA’s Operations and Technology Excellence Award twice – in 2016 for developing National Leasing Interactive and in 2018 for custom-building a new core system. Over the next year, we plan to take our digital offerings to the next level, and it was great to share our progress with our sales team and get their feedback in this session of our meeting day.
Content Marketing Manager Dina Beaucage presents at CWB National Leasing Sales Conference
After a great day of meetings, it was time to recognize our sales team for an amazing year. On Thursday evening last week, we came together for the Sales Awards Dinner. In a ballroom adorned in gold, our senior leadership team highlighted achievements and presented awards to members of our sales team. We closed the evening by inviting our top profit-generating Account Manager to ring our new gong – an instrument we recently purchased to help us celebrate successes.
Awards about to be presented at CWB National Leasing’s Sales Awards Dinner
During day two of our Sales Conference, after Account Managers spent the morning connecting with their teams at our head office, it was time to kick back and enjoy a fun team-building activity. We gathered at the new Canada Games Sport for Life Centre in Winnipeg for gym class! Over 100 members of our sales team came together to play recreational games of dodgeball, volleyball, basketball and tug-of-war. In a traditional gym class setting, members of our senior leadership team served as coaches and referees to get the games going.
Head Coach Noonan (Senior Vice-president, Operations, Chris Noonan) leads a warm-up before “class”
“It was such an awesome experience and a great way blow off steam and get some physical activity after a day of meetings,” says Pierre Lefebvre, CWB National Leasing Account Manager from Quebec. “Who would have thought you’d ever get to experience a grade school-like gym class with your co-workers? It was a ton of fun.”
CWB National Leasing President & CEO Michael Dubowec referees an intense match of tug-of-war
Last, but definitely not least, we capped off our 2018 Sales Conference with our annual Gala at the Fairmont Winnipeg. This is an event for all employees and their spouses from across the country to come and celebrate our successes from the past year. With over 550 guests, it was our largest Gala yet. We celebrated reaching milestone sales numbers, completing major projects and earning new industry awards, but most importantly, we celebrated our incredible team of employees.
CWB National Leasing employees celebrate at the company’s 2018 Gala
“The Gala was incredible; such a wonderful setting, excellent meal and great people to share it with,” says Peter Boileau, Senior Business Analyst, CWB National Leasing. “In the cab ride home, my wife and I agreed it was fancier than our wedding!”
To learn more about fun stuff going on at CWB National Leasing, check us out on social media.
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