CWB National Leasing launches new mobile-first website
CWB National Leasing launches its refreshed website that features updated design and mobile optimized navigation for Canadian equipment financing customers on the go.
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By: Janet Seniuk, Public Relations Coordinator
“It’s going to be a very exciting summer for Winnipeg,” says Tom Pundyk, President & CEO, CWB National Leasing. “With our head office and the majority of our employees here, we wanted to do something special for the Games – something that would add to the festivities, but also help carry on the legacy of the Games here in Winnipeg.”
Left to right: Chris Fowler, President & CEO, CWB Financial Group, Jeff Hnatiuk, President & CEO, 2017 Canada Summer Games and Tom Pundyk, President & CEO, CWB National Leasing with the Games mascot, Niibin.
In addition to coming on board as an Official Supporter of the Games, CWB National Leasing commissioned artist Peter Farmer to perform live painting at a number of Games events. Art of the Games will conclude with a final live painting and art auction at CWB National Leasing’s Closing Ceremony VIP Reception. Attendees will have the chance to bid on Peter’s paintings, and all proceeds will go to KidSport to give all kids a chance to play.
“Art of the Games captures the energy and excitement of the competitions, incorporates Canadian art and culture and promotes sport inclusion for kids in need – it’s the perfect combination,” says Kim Browning, Director of Marketing for Sport Manitoba and Manitoba’s KidSport chapter. “And the campaign doesn’t end with the Games. The paintings, wherever they end up, will help continue the legacy of the 50th Canada Games in Winnipeg. We’re so happy CWB National Leasing invited us to be part of it.”
CWB National Leasing, celebrating its 40th birthday this year, has made community investment a top priority since 1977. It supports hundreds of local and national charities every year, including many sport initiatives and programs. Art is another focus area. The company has built a 230-piece art collection at its head office with pieces by local and Canadian artists. The largest piece, a 168-by-8-ft. mural spanning four walls and capturing Canadian landscapes and culture from coast to coast to coast is by Art of the Games artist, Peter Farmer.
“I really appreciated how professional yet fun the CWB National Leasing team was,” says Peter. “I liked working with a team with such spirit and a sense of community. It makes perfect sense to me that CWB National Leasing has taken such an important role in sponsoring the Canada Games.”
Peter Farmer (right) and Cherry Eidse, Facilities Coordinator, CWB National Leasing stand in front of Peter’s mural in CWB National Leasing’s Canada Room.
With Canadian art strewn all over its walls and every meeting room named after a Canadian province or territory, CWB National Leasing truly values its Canadian roots.
“Art of the Games is our way of showing appreciation for the Games and for the country where we do business,” says Tom. “With all the milestones happening this year – Canada turning 150, the Games turning 50 and CWB National Leasing turning 40 – we wanted to do something really special!”
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