CWB National Leasing launches new mobile-first website
CWB National Leasing launches its refreshed website that features updated design and mobile optimized navigation for Canadian equipment financing customers on the go.
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By: Janet Seniuk, Public Relations Coordinator
To celebrate Canada 150, we asked CWB National Leasing employees these questions and ended up with some great stories – from traveling across the country in a Winnebago to braving our fierce winters. We learned that “being Canadian” can have many different meanings, and that’s what makes it so special.
This week, we’re counting down the days to Canada’s 150th birthday by sharing our stories. Read yesterday’s story, check out today’s below and stay tuned for more tomorrow!
If you ask me to think of the time or place when I felt most Canadian, I’d have a hard time narrowing it down to one thing; however, I could probably narrow it down to 17 long weekends spent in a place I consider to be very Canadian.
Mont-Tremblant, an hour-and-a-half drive northwest of Montreal, is a picture of Canadian culture – skiing in the winter, canoeing in the summer, lakeside cottages and mountainous horizons. It’s where I’ve spent every Canada Day long weekend since 2000 on a golf trip with seven close friends.
We call the weekend Hook Mulligan. On the first day, everyone golfs relatively well, but by the third day (after a weekend of celebrating in true Canadian style), we’re not exactly on par.
All eight of us are originally from Montreal or Quebec City, and even though some have moved away since we started the Hook Mulligan tradition, they always make a point to join us at Mont-Tremblant for Canada Day long weekend.
We’re all looking forward to celebrating Canada’s 150th birthday this year in a place that symbolizes many amazing things about our country.
Those who know me well know that I’m a very prepared Canadian winter driver. I’m ready for any winter storm that Mother Nature throws our way. Whether it’s 4 or 15 cm, I always have my shovel and every other winter necessity you can think of in my car and I’m always wearing my good winter boots.
Being ‘Manitoba winter ready’ has helped me and other people on a few occasions. One story from four winters ago continues to stick with me.
It was evening rush hour and the roads were badly snow covered and it was still coming down. I noticed a young lady had lost control while driving and ended up smack in the middle of the large roadway. She was buried deep in the snow on top of the median of the four-lane roadway. She was standing beside her car trying to dig the snow away from her tires with her bare hands, and she wasn’t dressed properly for our cold Winnipeg winters.
I pulled over, got out of my car with my warm mitts and large boots and grabbed my shovel.
As I began to dig her out, a few other people had then decided to stop and help. Eventually, we got her out and sent her on her way.
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