CWB National Leasing launches new mobile-first website
CWB National Leasing launches its refreshed website that features updated design and mobile optimized navigation for Canadian equipment financing customers on the go.
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By: Janet Seniuk, Public Relations Coordinator
CWB National Leasing’s employee-led United Way committee was there to take in the festivities and look back on its jam-packed fundraising campaign this year.
CWB National Leasing’s United Way committee at Celebrate Winnipeg, Jan. 19, 2017
“Our fundraising efforts started in October 2016 and went straight through to January 2017,” says Peter Boileau, CWB National Leasing’s United Way committee chair. “We usually have a week-long United Way campaign in October, but we moved it to January this year to accommodate a core system replacement project in the fall. Somehow, we ended up coordinating fundraising events all throughout the fall anyway. Our committee’s dedication is truly amazing.”
The extended campaign led to a total contribution of almost $300,000 from CWB National Leasing to United Way of Winnipeg.
“We were afraid fundraising right after the holiday season was going to be difficult, but we were wrong,” says Peter. “Employees raised $5,000 more than last year.”
CWB National Leasing’s spirit and generosity toward United Way is part of the reason Rob Pierce, Associate Director, Partnership Development at United Way of Winnipeg enjoys coming to visit.
“I’ll use any reason to pop by CWB National Leasing – there’s always so much excitement going on there,” says Rob. “CWB National Leasing employees have such a strong passion for community, and they really showed that this year with their extended fundraising campaign.”
CWB National Leasing capped off its three-month campaign with a week full of fundraising events from Jan. 9-13. The week included the usual favourites like Pizza Bingo and a live auction. The company also introduced the Frosty 5K, a new peer-to-peer fundraising event challenging participants to go for a chilly 5km-walk, run or bike ride and reach out to family and friends for donations toward United Way. The Frosty 5K stayed true to its name – on Jan. 11, 47 CWB National Leasing employees braved -30°C and set out for a winter stroll. The first-time event was a huge success, raising $6,145.
CWB National Leasing President & CEO Tom Pundyk gearing up for the Frosty 5K, Jan. 11, 2017
“I had to face the cold for 5km, but some people have to face it every day and night,” says Sylvie Lesage, CWB National Leasing employee and Frosty 5K participant. “Those are the people we’re doing this for.”
See more photos from CWB National Leasing’s United Way fundraising events below.
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