CWB National Leasing launches new mobile-first website
CWB National Leasing launches its refreshed website that features updated design and mobile optimized navigation for Canadian equipment financing customers on the go.
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By: Janet Seniuk, Public Relations Coordinator
After our sales team finalizes a lease agreement, our Administration department steps in to coordinate equipment registration and follow up with customers to make sure all required insurance is in place. Many busy and dynamic roles make up this 20-person department, and its main objective is to protect the interests of our customers and the company.
Allison Steeves is our Administration Manager. She’s been with CWB National Leasing for over 15 years, and here’s what she had to say when I asked her a few questions about her department:
The variety – no two deals are the same, so no two days are ever the same. You get to see and experience all the aspects of leasing and work with people from every department. If you work in Administration, you end up with a really well-rounded knowledge and expertise that can help excel your career with CWB National Leasing.
Someone who can easily bounce from one task to another. It’s fast-paced and things are always changing, so a candidate who can thrive in an atmosphere like that with a strong attention to detail would be a great fit. Also, someone who’s helpful in nature would fit in well – we’re all about teamwork.
CWB National Leasing’s Administration team
Adaptability. The ability to change what you’re doing on the fly is essential for success in Administration. We often have to change gears in the middle of doing something else, and it’s important to have people on board who can work with that and always keep things moving forward.
We’re really team-oriented. We work hard together, and we also have a lot of fun together. Potluck lunches are a regular occurrence, and we like to celebrate birthdays with cake and decorations. We also dress up as a team at Halloween. Even though it’s a fast-paced atmosphere and we work hard to keep on top of it, we all know it’s important to joke around and have fun, too. Just recently, a number of our team members participated in Challenge for Life together, a 20-kilometre fundraising walk in support of CancerCare Manitoba Foundation.
CWB National Leasing’s Administration team dressed up for Halloween 2015
If you’re looking for a new opportunity that challenges you to be adaptable in a fast-paced setting with a fun group of people, submit your resume and cover letter here for future opportunities in CWB National Leasing’s Administration department.
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