CWB National Leasing launches new mobile-first website
CWB National Leasing launches its refreshed website that features updated design and mobile optimized navigation for Canadian equipment financing customers on the go.
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By: CWB National Leasing
Every year CWB National Leasing's United Way committee puts on a week of fundraising supporting United Way. This year may have looked a little different than others, but our team members came together to make sure we kept our fundraising tradition going strong.
Like most of the world, COVID-19 presented new challenges to our annual fundraising event, but our United Way committee embraced the challenges and put on a fantastic online event. We kicked off the week with testimonials from people in our community who spoke about how United Way became a lifeline - with the help of United Way donor-supported agencies, they were able to find the help they needed.
This year the committee had a goal of raising $200,000. We’re ecstatic to announce that we’ve surpassed our goal and reached a total of just over $222,000! To say we’re amazed, inspired and proud of our fundraising total is an understatement. "This year was a challenge," said Rachel Léger, United Way Committee chair, “but I’m really proud of how everyone came together and helped make this event a success!"
The committee planned activities like Chase the Ace, an outdoor scavenger hunt, trivia games, bingo, silent auction and, everyone's favourite, the live auction to bring excitement and engage team members.
This year, CWB National Leasing highlighted the Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization of Manitoba (IRCOM) and the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) to help raise awareness of the critical work these United Way-supported organizations do in our city. The IRCOM works with newcomer families to help them integrate into the community through transitional housing and other programs and services. The CMHA supports individuals who experience mental illness and addictions through their recovery.
We want to thank all of our team members for supporting this successful virtual fundraising campaign and to our committee and committee chairs for helping United Way make a difference in our city.
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