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Annual Sales Conference and Gala 2024.

CWB National Leasing employees charge up with annual celebrations.

CWB National Leasing


Annual Sales Conference and Gala re-energizes employees heading into 2024.

Our team from coast-to-coast came together to celebrate the end of a successful year and look ahead to 2024 with purpose. The Sales Conference was a great opportunity to recharge our minds and get a pulse on our goals.

The theme of this year’s celebration, “Charge UP!” captured the spirit of our company and its all-star employees, inspiring us to keep evolving, and empowering our teams to reach major milestones in the year to come. Everyone in the room felt it — the jolt of electricity that inspires us to equip our clients and partners for growth. Engaging speakers and breakout sessions at the Conference helped to create an air of collaboration that left attendees feeling invigorated to take on a new year filled with opportunities.

But it can’t be all work — we played, too! Our sales teams also had the chance to connect, network and have some good old-fashioned fun. 

Attendees gather at the Sales Conference to hear from our leaders.

Team members gathered under one roof at the Sales Conference.

We celebrated our top sales teams during the Awards dinner, which gave us all the fuzzy feels of support and kinship.

Sales team sporting sunglasses in a team photo at the Sales Awards.

A signature “look” from one of our sales teams!

A few award winners throughout the night pose on stage at the Sales Awards.

Honoring our award winners throughout the evening.

Attendees rise and applaud our winners at the Sales Awards.

Team Teal celebrates the company’s 2023 Awards dinner.

The Sales Conference was followed by the Winter Gala, where the energy generated was off the charts! Team Teal represented with 350 guests in attendance, one incredibly talented MC (also a Team Teal member), live entertainment, a photo booth, ice sculpture, dancing and lasting memories created.

A few guests pose with each other at the Winnipeg Gala.

Employees celebrating at the Winter Gala.

Tables and stage set up in the hall of the Winnipeg Gala venue.

All set to celebrate a successful year in style!


R.M. Chipman Award, the gift that keeps on giving.

Every year at our company celebration, we recognize an employee for going above and beyond in every respect with a focus on community involvement. The award reflects the significance of CWB National Leasing’s founder and its namesake, R.M. Chipman, and his generous and charitable nature, by recognizing an employee who exemplifies these character traits:

  1. Contributing to their community through time, actions, talents and dedication.
  2. Willingness to make the world a better place through compassionate service.
  3. Demonstrating a passion for helping their community.

Congratulations, Don Lyon!

After receiving some incredible nominations, the selection committee chose the recipient of the 2023 award (a tough choice!), recognizing Don Lyon for his dedication to community involvement and betterment.

Don served on the Board of Directors for the Camrose Women’s Shelter Society in Alberta, a non-profit organization working hard to shelter and provide services to women and children fleeing abuse since 1985. As part of the award, the Camrose Women’s Shelter will receive a $2,500 company donation. 

“The generosity of this donation will go very far in our community to ensure that services and shelter are continually provided to the more than 350 women and 400 children fleeing domestic violence each year,” says Don.

R.M. Chipman Award winner presents the donation to a member of the Camrose Women’s Shelter.

Don presented the Camrose Women’s Shelter with a company donation of $2,500. Thank you for the impact you make in the community, Don!

We look forward to celebrating our employees and company at the next Conference and Gala. Until then!

To learn more about fun stuff going on at CWB National Leasing, check us out on social media.

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