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Create startup success with these top difference-makers

Create startup success with these top difference-makers

Nick Logan

By: , Past President and Past CEO

Don’t let the size of CWB National Leasing fool you. We were once a startup.

Nearly 40 years ago, as a two-man operation in modest quarters above a Winnipeg automobile repair shop, we leased our first piece of equipment – a Codaphone (does anyone remember those things?). Ingenuity, a tenacious entrepreneurial spirit and a little bit of luck propelled us from small business to the more-than 300-employee company we are today.

I’ve worked most of my career with CWB National Leasing, and I couldn’t be prouder of what we’ve accomplished. The end of October marks my retirement (cue the party!), but before I go, I’ll pass along our top difference-makers as some final advice.

They’ve worked for us, and I’m sure they’ll work for you.


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