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10 best entrepreneur articles to boost your business in 2017

Matthew Bedard

By: , Digital Marketing Specialist

The new year is here. What’s your new year’s resolution?

Get in shape?
Lose 25 pounds?
Travel the world?
Grow your business?

Well, if it’s the last one, keep reading because we’ve found 10 articles that will help you make smart business decisions in 2017.

1. The importance of standing out in business

To be different and stand out, start telling the world your story. Focus on what makes your business different and you won’t have to worry about people confusing it with other businesses in a growing marketplace.

2. How entrepreneurs overcome fear

If you’re not scared then you aren’t taking big enough risks – a true statement whether you’re an entrepreneur or not. To overcome fear, we must learn how to embrace it. Reframe your fear and you’ll take risks and push your business forward.

3. How to keep other entrepreneurs from screwing you over

Tip one: Hire good lawyers.
Tip two: Get to know people before you jump into anything big with them.
Tip three: Don’t burn bridges.

These are just a few tips and general life advice you’ll find in this one. It’s a great read for any entrepreneur.

4. 5 ways to effectively communicate with employees

Effective communication is key to a successful business. Communicate frequently and promptly, learn from company shortfalls and meet with senior leadership so they can pass along important information to employees. These are three great communication tips for your business. Check out the article for two more.  

5. How accepting failure can help lead you to success

Failure is simply an opportunity to begin again. Look at the trying-failing-learning cycle as an opportunity to constantly improve your weaknesses until success is common.

6. 4 ways to rediscover your entrepreneurial spark

How do entrepreneurs constantly stay motivated? The key is to keep learning.
Learning new things and discovering new opportunities keeps you motivated.

7. 10 ways to build trust and credibility with your customers

Take a moment to think about all the trusted brands that cut through the clutter and noise out there. How do they earn attention so effortlessly? Well, because they spent time building trust and credibility with their customers. From improving your website to boosting customer service, here are 10 strategies you can use to achieve a credible, trusted brand.

8. 25 books that every entrepreneur should read

They say you are what you read, right? Or is it, you are what you eat? Anyway, if you’re ready to grow your business and make it a raging success, try reading some of the books on this list recommended by successful entrepreneurs.

9. 5 ways startups can beat big companies

Be fast, relentless, listen, understand that things don’t happen overnight and never be intimidated. Successful entrepreneur Ravin Gandhi says sometimes the underdog wins. Learn the five ways startups can beat the giants.

10. Lease vs. loan

The right equipment is the driving force behind any business. Learn the difference between an equipment lease and a loan and find out which one suits your business best.

3 best business podcasts for entrepreneurs:

1. Profit, Power, Pursuit

Listen to Profit, Power, Pursuit to learn strategies necessary to be successful in the competitive, creative market.

2. Entrepreneurs on fire

The Entrepreneurs on fire podcast features successful entrepreneurs talking about the lessons and hardships they’ve learned over the years.

3. Marketplace

Listen to marketplace to keep you up to date with the latest business news.

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